Queen Elizabeth I of England: "Good Queen Bess"
Elizabeth Tudor
This show features:
Renaissance Food, Clothing, Pastimes, Manners, and Dancing

England’s Golden Age was named in honor of its greatest Queen, Elizabeth Tudor - the daughter of King Henry VIII. This brilliant leader was the first female to rule England alone and successfully. How did she achieve such a feat? With immense intelligence, charm, and the ability to compromise. But no need for politicking here.
Her Majesty takes the audience on a royal romp through the less serious aspects of life in her era. The Queen is on progress to your shire, a wondrous honor. But what shall you feed her? No need to panic. Queen Elizabeth elaborates on what foods her kitchens do and do not have. How can you possibly entertain your honored guest? Again, Good Queen Bess vividly describes what pastimes are popular and suitable, and which have not even been invented yet.
But what about your manners - are they fit for a queen? Probably not, since etiquette has changed throughout history. Gloriana will teach everyone the proper ways to bow and curtsey.
If you are to be a courtier and keep company with your monarch, you must be appropriately attired! Aye, the Queen will even coach you on what your clothing should consist of as well as what will simply NOT do!
Lest you worry that the restrictive garments keep you from having any fun, for the Grand Finale, Her Majesty will teach everyone how to do her favorite dance, the French galliard. Thanks to this delightful lesson, you’ll become an adept at Elizabethan social customs in no time. God Save the Queen!