Clara Barton
This show features:
American Civil War, Women's Rights, History of Medicine


Proper ladies of her time were supposed to be quiet, get married, have children, and stay home. Miss Barton would have none of that! She defied society’s conventions and risked her life in order to help others, thus becoming a true heroine. A passionate and moving public speaker, Clara dramatically relates how she became the first woman to work for the Federal Government, its first female department head, and America’s first woman ambassador.

Audience members portray Yankees and Rebels, "nay-sayers" and believers, in order to discover why Americans fought each other in the Civil War and what that meant on a personal level. You’ll be swept into her story of the Civil War, dangers of nursing at the Battle of Antietam, and her struggle to get America to sign the Geneva Convention. There are few better role models than Clara Barton, who still inspires us to “Never Give Up!”.